Fertility awareness (also known as natural contraception or natural family planning) involves being able to identify the signs and symptoms of fertility during the menstrual cycle so you can plan or avoid pregnancy.

For more information visit the NHS website - natural family planning.

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If 100 sexually active women don’t use any contraception, 80 to 90 will become pregnant in a year.

If used according to teaching and instructions, up to 99 per cent effective. Up to one woman in 100 will get pregnant in a year.

The fertile and infertile times of the menstrual cycle are identified by noting the different fertility indicators. This advises when the risks of pregnancy are lower during a woman’s menstrual cycle. 

  • No physical side-effects.
  • No chemicals or physical products are used.
  • Gives a woman a greater awareness of her body.
  • Can help to plan a pregnancy or avoid a pregnancy.
  • It does not involve using any chemicals or physical devices.
  • There are no physical side effects.
  • It can help you recognise normal and abnormal vaginal secretions.
  • It can help you to communicate about your fertility and sexuality.
  • It is acceptable to all faiths and cultures.

  • Need to avoid sex or use a condom at fertile times of the cycle.
  • It takes three–six menstrual cycles to learn effectively.
  • You have to keep daily records.
  • Some events, such as illness, lifestyle, stress or travel, may make fertility indicators harder to interpret.
  • You need to avoid sex or use male or female condoms during the fertile time.
  • Natural methods don’t protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).