For more information about HIV, including prevention, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and living with HIV please go to the NHS website.
PEPSE can stop HIV infection taking hold after the virus has entered the body. However, it is an emergency measure to be used as a last resort, for example if a condom breaks. Please call us if you think you need PEPSE on 01522 309309 Option 2. You can get PEPSE from sexual health and HIV clinics, and Accident and Emergency departments.
Regular family doctors (GPs) don’t give PEPSE.
We provide PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) medication for those who are HIV negative as a method of helping to prevent HIV infection. More information about PrEP.
If you are over 16 and HIV positive, you can refer yourself to our clinic by contacting us directly. Alternatively, your GP or another healthcare professional can refer you.
Our HIV clinics are based at Boston, Lincoln or Grantham. We also have a consultant based once a month at our Louth Clinic – depending on capacity we may not be able to see you at your preferred clinic.
To transfer your HIV care to us, please complete the transfer of care request form and email or post back to us. We will request a transfer of care summary from your previous HIV care provider, which should include details about your current medications, other health conditions, and your most recent blood test results. You can also contact your current clinic and give consent for them to send a summary of your care to lchs.
We will also ask you for a basic history including current medications – HIV and non-HIV, how much medication you have left, new contact details, GP information - do they know your status and which clinic you would prefer to go to.
Tel: 01522 474826 (Monday to Friday, 8am till 4pm – secure voicemail available)
Email: lchs.
If you are on medication, we strongly advise initiating this process before your current prescription runs out.
Once we receive your care summary, we will schedule an appointment for you at our specialist HIV clinic. During this visit, you will meet with a member of our nursing team, undergo routine blood tests, and complete a care plan. We will also introduce you to our team.
After your results are back, we will arrange an appointment with your assigned consultant.
Boston Health Clinic
Lincoln Lane
PE21 8RU
What3words location: woes.cross.grace
Sexual Health Clinic / GU clinic
Grantham Hospital
Manthorpe Road
NG31 8DG
What3words location: continued.daily.admiral
Sexual Health Clinic / GU clinic
Primary Care Arch
Louth Hospital
High Holme Road
LN11 0EH
What3words location: Golf.later.builds
Lindon House
134 Dixon Street
What3words location: Hooked.salad.banks
Positive Health Lincolnshire
Lincolnshire’s leading sexual health charity, providing assistance to those living with HIV
Terrence Higgins Trust
Voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services.
HIV i-Base
HIV treatment information and advocacy
HIV Drug Interactions
Check for drug-to-drug interactions between HIV and non-HIV medication